As one reads through the Scriptures, we
find that Abraham is a very prominent figure throughout, whether we read about
his life directly in Genesis or he is being referred to by the Apostle Paul in
his epistle to the Roman congregations, his life is impacting. We often pull
lessons from the obvious things of his life, such as his call to serve the One
True God, or the sacrificing of his promised son, but what about the background
events, such as his consistent wanderings throughout the land of Canaan? Is
there any significance in it? The answer is yes, there’s significance in the
whole of Scripture.

As we read about His early ministry,
we find that He also did a lot of traveling, mainly around those towns in which
He was close to and grew up around, as well as down to the southern parts of
the country (Mark 4-6). During His travels, He too was a witness of the Father (The Spirit) and
of His ways. Where ever He found Himself, He sought the opportunity to witness and teach about the Good News (Gospel) of what was at hand, the coming
kingdom, such as the woman by the well (Jn 4) or the curious Pharisee Nicodemus
(Jn 3) or the famous Sermon of the Mount (Mt 5-7). Jesus too, like Abraham and so many in between, found unbelief and opposition to the message or indifference, with people being comfortable where they were and not seeing the need to change (Jn 6-7). So what am I getting at?
Well I’m glad you asked.
Many times we feel very unstable in
our day-to-day journey’s, in such unstable times, we may feel like we can’t
keep a job, or stay in one place as long as we’d like to, but take comfort that
you are walking in the same foot steps of our forefather’s and our Savior. The
Scriptures testify of Abraham “It was by
faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another
land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where
he was going. And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived
there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in tents. And so did Isaac
and Jacob, who inherited the same promise. Abraham was confidently looking
forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God”
(Heb 11:8-10 NLT). So even in his wanderings, Abraham had faith that God had a
place prepared for him, even if he didn’t know where that might be. In his
wandering’s, Abraham, probably unknowingly, fulfilled New Testament teaching
when we were instructed to “ Seek the
Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you
everything you need.

In this life, in these times, things
may feel very unstable for the faithful, we may feel like we’re always in
transition, or like our Lord who said “But
Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son
of Man has no place even to lay his head” (Matt 8:20 NLT), but we can take
comfort that He’ll provide for us. Yet in our wanderings in this life let us be
a witness to all that we meet in our journey, teaching them about the One True God and His Salvation, and fulfill the Words of our God and Savior. In doing so we can directly identify with both our forefather Abraham in being a witness to the culture around us in our wanderings and our Savior who stood on the message He was given to be a witness to even in a culture that felt that they knew and lived for God the way He wanted them too. It's okay to be a wandering witness.
“Behave wisely toward outsiders, making full use of every opportunity-
let your conversation always be gracious and interesting, so that you will know
how to respond to any particular individual” (Col 4:5-6 CJB)
Authored by:
MIT. Christopher Bateman
Last Days Ministries Apostolic Church
Authored by:
MIT. Christopher Bateman
Last Days Ministries Apostolic Church
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