And the Lord looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and though shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee? (Judges 6:14)
When Limitations Do Not Matter
The story of building of the Brooklyn Bridge in New York illustrates that limitations and obstacles need never stand in the way of accomplishment.
Born in Prussia in 1806. John A. Roebling moved to the United States and eventually designed the Brooklyn Bridge. At the time it was built, the bridge, which spans 1,595 feet over the East River to connect Manhattan with Brooklyn, was the longest suspension bridge in the world.
John Roebling and his son, Washington, worked together until John died in 1869 from tetanus contracted from a construction accident on the bridge.
Washington continued to direct the building of the bridge until he contracted "caisson disease" from working in the pneumatic caissons and experiencing the "bends." This brought permanent impairment including a certain amount of brain damage, which results in his not being able to walk or talk, and he was able to move only one finger.
In spite of the severe handicap, Washington Roebling, whose mind was still as keen as ever, determined to complete the bridge. He developed a type of communication with his wife by tapping her arm. He was able to communicate with his wife, and she then communicated to the engineers instructions on complete the bridge. From a near by home, Washington would watch the bridge progress. For thirteen years Washington used his finger-tapping code until finally completing the bridge in 1883.
The Brooklyn Bridge is a tribute to what an individual can accomplish, even though faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles and limitations. With God's call and empowerment's, the believer can "do all things through Christ" (Philippians 4:13).
By P.D. Buford
An individual may reach into the toolbox for a specific tool. It matters little how scarred, how old, or what brand name the tool bears. What matters is the hand that wields the tool. Gideon was the tool, and like most of us, he wrongly focused on his obvious limitations to the point of forgetting whose hand was upon him.
A Study of the scriptures reveals that God has never chosen a man or woman because of their perfect qualifications to do a specific job. In fact, we discover quite the opposite; God chooses men and women of faith and relationship, disregarding their earthly credentials.
God's call is greater than any excuse!
Someone once noted that an excuse is just an opportunity to be lazy. The carnal person often offers an excuse instead of action. God will not use a person who offers excuses instead of availability.
What manner of excuse would God really accept? God would not have called Gideon or anyone else to do something he was completely incapable of doing. Whenever we manufacture excuses we risk offending the One who extended the invitation.
Material possessions in the world are not the real treasures.
Gideon, upon receiving his call from God, pleaded poverty, "Behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house" (Judges 6:15). however, this could have been one of the reasons God chose him. The story of the rich young ruler reminds us that sometimes wealth impedes one form living for God. This privileged young man turned away from following Jesus because he could not conceive of giving away his earthy treasures in order to gain heavenly treasures. After the young ruler departed, Jesus commended, "How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:23).
As we grow, our life settles into a continuous replaying of everyday activities. We often call these recycled activities the "status quo" or a "rut." The older we get the deeper those ruts may become, and the thought of climbing out of them and into the unknown arouses immediate angst and stirs up a tempest in our psyche. Yet God has never called anyone to stay in the preserved safety of a rut; God always calls a person out of a rut and into the unknown, which requires stirring up ones faith.
It is vital for young people to seek the Lord and follow Him while they are growing and developing. The young and open seem to have less trouble seeking and following after God's will because they have not yet become dug in the automatic world of the status quo. We must choose whether we will continue to live in the boring but comfortable realm of routine or escape to explore a high level of faith and spiritual accomplishment.
If we really want God to use us we have to stay available to Him and be obedient to His call.
We love to read stories of great men and women in the Scriptures who fulfilled their call and achieved great things for God. However, what if they had not obeyed God? What if Moses had left the Israelites anywhere other than where God directed? What if Noah had made a sanctuary instead of an ark? What if Abraham had stayed in Haran instead of walking and inheriting the land? These individuals of faith would not have been heroes had they failed to obey God completely.
Created by: Jocelyn Jones
Last Days Ministries Apostolic
Source: Celebration Series 2011-2012
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